1 Troy Waldron 4 4 5 11 16 1.25 2.75 4.00 8.00 32 15.62
2 Lee Orr 4 4 4 10 14 1.00 2.50 3.50 7.00 28 14.29
3 Seamus O'Connor 4 4 5 7 12 1.25 1.75 3.00 8.50 34 14.71
4 Graeme Orr 4 4 5 5 10 1.25 1.25 2.50 8.50 34 14.71
5 K.J. O'Connor 4 4 5 5 10 1.25 1.25 2.50 6.00 24 20.83
6 Kyle Grenier 4 4 10 5 15 2.50 1.25 3.75 12.00 48 20.83
7 Nathan Robson 4 0 0 2 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
8 Alan Orr 4 0 0 2 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

1 Nathan Robson 4 89 74 15 18.50 0.831 0 0 2 0
2 Alan Orr 4 111 92 19 23.00 0.829 0 0 2 0

In this most meteorologically-pitiful winter of 2009-10 in British Columbia, our one solace through the wet, unseasonably warm and constantly overcast season has been the ability to play roller hockey almost at will. Even after the toll taken on the players yesterday, they were all chomping at the bit, and Nathan Robson threw together a last-minute session. OchoOcho himself, Kyle Grenier, seemingly the worst-off after yesterday, was back in action, as was the entire gang minus Shem. With K.J. back in action, however, we were lined up for more great 3-on-3. Of course, only Alan was actually lined up for goal. With a late start, the gang arrived in a pack and proceeded to argue for twenty minutes over who would indeed man the opposite goal. K.J.’s ankle seemingly precluded him from goaltending. Seamus balked due to having played the bulk of the season already. Nathan volunteered, but only if someone would spell him off for the second half. Graeme flat out said he’d go straight back to Nakusp if he had to play goal. Just when Lee, Kyle, Troy and K.J. were poised to go into a shootout to determine the lucky loser, Nate bit the bullet and said he’d play the whole session in net as long as it precluded him from doing so in the next situation. The gang agreed, and hockey was on.

It had rained that morning, and the rink was covered in puddles that were too deep to sweep away, especially a rather long puddle parallel to the boards ¾ of the way toward the west side of the rink. More than a few times would the ball stop dead in the water on passes; most passes in that part of the rink as result were flip passes in order to clear the puddle. Sticks in the middle produced Kyle, Troy and Graeme backed by Nathan against Lee, Seamus, K.J. and Alan. Game 1 saw Kyle and Troy set a torrid pace, outshooting their opponents 24-12 en route to a 5-2 victory. It settled down after that game, and every game afterwards went the distance. Seamus, Lee and K.J. went toe-to-toe with their opponents in Game 2 as goals were traded back-and-forth. Kyle had numerous breakaways created by simply ploughing through defensive lines; Team Alan countered with tons of passing. With Lee on defence, they kept it close but Team Nathan’s speed was too much.

After the first series, Kyle, Lee and K.J. employed snow shovels and the remnants of the May Days sign to dredge the giant puddle. They got rid of some of it, but it was during this changeover that the rain came back for good. An already overcast day became ominous and oppressive. Nothing was visible past the limits of the block the park sits upon. Sticks were thrown again, putting the youngest skaters (Kyle, Troy and K.J.) with Alan against the older skaters (the brothers Orr and Seamus) with Nathan. This matchup did not favour Lee, who was repeatedly stonewalled by Alan all series. While the first series was rather freewheeling, the second series, framed in the confines of a slippery rink and deteriorating weather, was a grind fest. The goalies faltered slightly in the first half of Game 3 and the game went by quickly. Eventually, things evened out and the goalies finished the game where they started (.800 for Nathan; .791 for Alan). As the slips and falls took their toll, Troy dealt with the conditions the best in this rather egalitarian session, and outpointed everyone with strong help from K.J. and Kyle. The young’ns took the first game of the set 5-4. Graeme found himself with a nice gash above the bridge of his nose from a stick. Game 4 began and dragged on for nearly 40 minutes as the goalies rose to the occasion and began pulling out some spectacular saves, including a 16-save sequence from Alan (mostly on Lee, although Lee would find in touch later in the game). With all of the sliding and player collisions in the harsh conditions, it was only a matter of time before someone was hurt, and that someone was K.J., landing hard on his surgically-repaired femur on a fall. He knew immediately he was done, and the last sixty percent of the game was played 2-on-2. Buoyed by the freshness of using subs, the older skaters picked up the pace and eked out a 5-4 win despite major efforts from Kyle and Troy. It was a gruelling but rewarding session today with top-notch skaters and some great goaltending in the final game, and all involved were happy with the high quality level of the day despite the inclement weather.

Scoring and shooting were pretty even between everyone all day until K.J. was hurt in the final game. Troy’s deft stickhandling helped him to the first star position today with 5G-11A. Kyle was a house afire all day and pocketed 10G and 5A on 48 shots. Lee had a bit of goalscoring trouble at times, especially on Alan, but was a solid point man all day, and this helped him to third with 4G-10A. In goal, the goalies were right around .800 all day until Game 4, when they both stepped it up a notch. It would come down to the final shot, but Nathan edged out Alan .831-.829 (a career high for Alan). Alan did face more shots, especially in the first series; he outsaved Nathan 92-74. Troy handled all four opening faceoffs; Troy won three of the four (Lee grabbed the other).

Here are the game scores:
Kyle Troy Nathan Graeme def. Lee Seamus K.J. Alan 5-2 5-4
Young Skaters (K.J. Troy Kyle Alan) vs. Old Skaters (Nathan Lee Seamus Graeme) 5-4 4-5

Season Stats: Kyle has now scored 127 points in the first thirteen days of the season. He holds a 25-point lead on second-place Lee, the second player to hit 100 points this year. Graeme lies one point behind Nathan for eighth. Kyle needs twelve goals for 100. Lee needs four for 50 in third. Seamus, Graeme, K.J. and Troy bunch up at the bottom of the top ten in goals. Lee is the first player over 50 assists this year with Kyle moving to second at 39 ahead of Oliver and Barlow. Seamus passes Pat for fifth and K.J. enters the top ten. Kyle has a commanding 442-229 lead in shots on goal over Lee. Seamus ties Stefan for fourth. Graeme is the eighth player to pass 100 shots. Troy lies fourth in shooting percentage. Alan moves from sixth to third in save percentage at .803 ahead of Bron while Nathan has almost closed the gap to Dom and Alex in fifth and sixth. Alan passes Seamus for second in saves. Kyle, Seamus and Nathan have played all 34 BUSH games. Lee moves to a tie with VRH leaders Oliver and Dom for fourth at 29. Alan passes Seamus for second in games goaltended at 22. Nathan is fifth at eleven. Lee passes Pat for second in three-star points behind Kyle. Alan is closing in on the goalie star point lead, five behind Seamus and Dom at 30. Nathan is tied for fifth at 15. Lee ties Seamus for second in total star points. Troy passes Seamus for fourth in PPG, but falls behind Andrew and Stefan to seventh in GPG. He also moves into a tie with Rob for third in APG. K.J. falls behind Pat to fourth in shots-per-game. Nathan passes Tony for fourth in saves-per-game; Alan ties Tony for fifth. Troy’s 11 assists tie for fifth-highest in a session this season. Nathan’s .831 and Alan’s .829 rank fifth and sixth-best in save percentage. Alan’s 921 PPS ranks fifth.

On the All-Time Front: Lee becomes the first player to reach 1,800 points. Seamus goes back around Stefan for fourth at 1,170. K.J. is eleven points behind Justin for seventh. Troy becomes the 18th player with 300 points and ties Joe Chwachka for 17th all-time. Nathan is three behind Simon for 20th. Lee needs 25 goals for 1,000. Seamus becomes the fifth player to score 600 goals; K.J. becomes the sixth to score 500. Kyle passes Justin for eighth and is four behind Bernie for seventh. Troy passes Ryno for 18th. Kyle needs one assist for 300. Troy is one assist behind Pat for 16th. Seamus needs 34 shots on goal for 3,000. Kyle is 58 shots behind Bernie for sixth. K.J. needs 13 shots for 2,000. Nathan needs 101 saves to become the first goalie to make 4,000. Kyle ties Justin for sixth in three-star points. Troy passes Lee and Dallas for sixth in APG. Kyle ties K.J. for sixth in 15-pointers with 30; Troy passes Pat for eleventh with 14. K.J.’s record 15-pointer streak dating back to March 2007 ends at 16. Kyle, however, has now tied that mark with his session today. Lee’s streak, the fourth-longest ever, ends at eleven; Troy increases his streak to eight. Kyle ties Seamus for fourth in ten-goal sessions with 26. Kyle has seven in a row; K.J.’s streak ends at seven; Troy’s at four. K.J.’s 15-goal streak ends at two sessions. Lee becomes the second player with 30 ten-assisters; he has three in a row. Nathan is one .810 session behind Justin for first all-time, 23-22. He passes Justin for first in .820 sessions, 18-17. Alan pots his first .820 session. Nathan ratchets his consecutive session streak up to 19, Seamus to 15, Kyle to six, Lee to five.

SDF/GDF: Troy goes back over the minimum divisor and slides nicely into second behind Pat. K.J. does as well an reenters the top ten; this pushes Nathan out. On the GDF, Justin stays on top, Shem and Seamus swap second and third, and Alan just nudges ahead of Bron into fifth.

Another solid session, even if it was soaking wet. Until next time, check out the Records and Honours pages in the Links section.

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Stefan wrote on February 03, 2010 @ 20:53:50 PST
You guys are keeping track of faceoff wins now? Nice! We should add that to our list of stats to keep. hahaha
Lee wrote on February 03, 2010 @ 08:13:16 PST
I should add it was good hockey out there today. I enjoyed myself a lot, although I'm sure at times it appeared I wasn't. Looking forward to when its not 6 degrees and raining though. Props to Nathan for goaltending. On his birthday (or close to) when he didn't want to. Early candidate for sportsman of the year.
Lee wrote on February 03, 2010 @ 07:20:26 PST
it was fierce; especially when we knew it was getting tracked.
Stefan wrote on February 03, 2010 @ 06:09:37 PST
Nice work Lee. I do love a good faceoff win!
Lee wrote on February 03, 2010 @ 05:42:23 PST
its a technicality, but i only took one face-off against troy. 1/1. yeah baby.

Session Info

February 02, 2010

Burton United Socialist Hockey (BUSH)

John McCormack Memorial Park



Three Stars

First Star

Second Star

Third Star