1 Justin Gordon 6 0 0 4 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
2 Chris Jackins 6 0 0 2 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
3 Oliver Koth-Kappus 6 6 1 3 4 0.17 0.50 0.67 2.50 15 6.67
4 Graeme Orr 6 6 5 2 7 0.83 0.33 1.17 3.00 18 27.78
5 Laird Bilinski 6 6 4 4 8 0.67 0.67 1.33 2.67 16 25.00
6 K.J. O'Connor 6 6 10 3 13 1.67 0.50 2.17 6.33 38 26.32
7 Patrick Strachan 6 6 4 10 14 0.67 1.67 2.33 4.83 29 13.79
8 Seamus O'Connor 6 6 12 8 20 2.00 1.33 3.33 5.17 31 38.71
9 Lee Orr 6 6 8 12 20 1.33 2.00 3.33 5.67 34 23.53

1 Justin Gordon 6 99 74 25 12.33 0.747 0 0 4 0
2 Chris Jackins 6 105 86 19 14.33 0.819 1 0 2 0

The dream is over: Bernie Koth-Kappus� dream of breaking his brother�s all-time consecutive session record looks to be finished for 2004. Lee Orr has taken over Bernie�s (and, previously, Joern�s) role as main organizer for Burton hockey. Unless Bernie manages to get a Vancouver session going, his streak is finished at 31, three shy of Oliver. Also of note was Justin passing the 200-point mark for the year, even though he did the one thing he�d said he�d never do all year: go back in goal. Lee sends in the following report from Sunday�s session.

�Well, we did it. Organized hockey without Bernie. Many doubted it could be done. First session I've ever played without him. Well, without further ado, here's the goods.

First Series = Lee KJ Laird Chris vs. Graeme Ollie Pat Seamus Justin: This series was definitely the most evenly matched of the session. Lots of comebacks and swings of momentum. KJ was torching the opposition, registering SEVEN goals and two assists. Chris Jackins was also OUTSTANDING, stonewalling the opposition 34 times in 2 games. Stonewall Jackins. Team KJ won the series 2-0, winning 5-3 and 5-4.
Second Series = Graeme K.J Ollie Chris vs. Seamus Lee Laird Pat: After going pointless in the first series, Ollie started to turn up the heat. Displaying some beautiful dekes and rushes, he just couldn't find the back of the net. With K.J neutralized by Pat�s defense, Graeme picked up scoring, netting 3 goals, but it wasn't enough. The combined firepower of Older Orr and O'Connor buried Team Ollie, overwhelmed them 2-0, 5-3 and 5-2. Justin's best game as well, making some brilliant post to post saves, including a 5 save flurry with no defense in sight.
Third Series = Lee Seamus Pat Chris vs. Graeme Ollie KJ Laird: These teams proved a little unfair. After a brilliant start, KJ had run out of steam; running on little sleep, Ollie was having a terrible session (for him) and Laird seemed to get progressively more unstable. Team Pat seemed to click. Good spacing and passing, as well as rock solid defense from Pat lead to copious amounts of scoring chances on an injured and beleaguered Justin. The blocker toss/helmet throw was a familiar sight. In Justin's defense, that was one of the nastiest blood blisters I've seen (glove hand) and many goals were 2-0's executed to perfection by Orr and O'Connor, who opened a Keg of whoopass. O'Connor finished the series with 5G 5A and Orr had 5G 2A. Stonewall Jackins earned the first shutout in a LONG time.

Leeroy's Session Awards
Art Ross = Seamus
Pavel Ratio = KJ
Norris Trophy = Pat
Lady Bing = Ollie
Presidents Trophy = Lee
Vezina = Chris
Seamus scored the most points skating on the worst arrangement of wheels I've seen. Only a picture could really suffice.
KJ was the prototypical go-to goals guy. Scored some beauties, manufactured them on his own.
In the absence of Ollie�s usual presence, Pat was definitely the best on defense.
Lady Byng to Ollie, what a gentleman. He was even ready on time. Hmmmm, maybe the Koth-Kappus lateness factor has been Bernie all along.
Presidents Trophy to Lee, because he was the only player who was on the winning team every single game.
Vezina to Chris, for sure. After these last few standout performances, he could be making a case for first team all-star, or even goalie of the year.

Good session, just a shame we didn't get a little more balance. Never even got to three games (in a series). Well, hopefully, next time.�

And for the ladies, here�s a little ditty from Oliver: Based on today's performance, (passing Lorne in all-time scoring) might be a little optimistic. I believe I got outpointed by Justin, who played net the entire session, so I don't think Lorne has anything to worry about. And that wasn't the worst of it. Having gone pointless for most of the session, in the final game I finally had what I thought was a flash of offensive brilliance when I stole the puck from Seamus, and ripped one top shelf on Justin. Sadly, turns out Justin was actually on my team and I had gotten confused as to which direction I was going, so Seamus got credited with the goal and our team wound up losing the game.

As usual, great job on the write-up, Lee (and ouch for Oliver, sorry they had to get up at fucking noon just to play)! While Lee went into his own detailed summary, here�s the main stats: in six games, Seamus (12-8-20-31) and Lee (8-12-20-34) shared first star with Pat (4-10-14-29) playing solid offensive D and K.J. (10-3-13-38) putting up his usual insane Pavel numbers. As Lee mentioned, Chris is making a late-season charge and has joined Nathan and Laird as GOY favourites, posting another brilliant session, replete with a shutout at .819. Justin�s first goalie stint in over a year was average at .747. Useless Stats: Justin passes the 200-point mark (the seventh time this has happened in a season). Seamus is within three of Lorne for second, 185-182. The battle for fourth is thight between Rob, Ol and K.J., 159-143-139. Laird is eight points behind Bernie for ninth while Lee moves to eleventh ahead of Dallas and Nathan. K.J. passes Rob for third in goals while Seamus is right behind, 99-96-93. Seamus passes Oliver for the season lead in assists, 89-88. Seamus needs 18 shots for 400 and K.J. passes Rob for fourth in that category. Lee falls to second in shooting percentage behind Jared while K.J. falls to fourth behind Dallas. Chris moves into second in season saves with 624 (third-best season total all-time). Justin and Oliver pass Nathan for second and third in 2004 games played. Chris is only the fifth goalie to actually post a shutout this year. Lee moves into fourth in points-per-game and Seamus fifth. Lee also moves into fifth in assists-per-game. Lee just to sixth in three-star points and Pat moves up to eighth. On the all-time front, Oliver barely closes the gap between himself and Lorne for the all-time lead to 792-763. Lee needs only 31 points to catch Justin for fourth. He is also 19 goals behind Justin for third all-time. Seamus passes Stefan for eighth in goals. The race for fourth in assists is tightening up between Laird, Justin and Lee (211-205-193). Lee needs 22 shots to tie Justin for third. Seamus passes Joe for ninth in shots and needs nine to catch Laird. K.J. needs eight points to reach 200 and eight shots for 500. Patrick passes Graeme for 15th all-time in points and needs five to tie Ryan Adshead. Justin�s sessions drops him to sixth all-time in save percentage behind Laird at .796. Chris becomes the fifth goalie to reach 1000 saves and is only ten saves behind Lyle for fifth. Oliver is twenty games behind Bernie for the all-time games-played lead. Justin needs 15 games to catch Joern for fifth. Chris is three behind Nathan for third in games goaltended while Justin is three behind Mitch for sixth. Lee is one of only five players to post back-to-back ten-assist sessions. Lee is third all-time in 15-pointers with 17 (two behind Oliver) while Seamus ties Robert for fifth with 11. Lee and Seamus also post back-to-back 20-pointers (second time for Lee, first for Seamus). With Bernie�s consecutive session streak ostensibly over, the longest active streak reverts to Ollie at eight, dating back to 17/6/2004. Chris puts 80 saves back-to-back for the first time. Lee passes Oliver and ties Justin for second all-time in three-star points while Seamus passes Joe for sixth. Big changes in the SDF as the loss of Robert�s 36-pointer in Fauquier drops him to second temporarily behind Dallas. Lee jumps to fourth while the newly absent Lorne plummets to ninth. No big changes on the GDF as Chris opens his lead further with another great session. Laird falls to fourth behind Lyle and Justin debuts ninth. Burton Cup: With Justin deciding to go in net, Republic Of Ireland opens up a 241-214 lead on Government Hill with Lords close behind at 200. With no Falcons left in Burton, Easton Aluminum is within three points of fourth and Ukrainian Team Bourque continues their late-season charge, only thirteen behind Easton. Lee moves from ninth to seventh in the individual standings. Will the Burton crew get together again soon? Stay tuned and find out�

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Session Info

October 10, 2004

Burton United Socialist Hockey (BUSH)

John McCormack Memorial Park



Three Stars

First Star

First Star

Third Star