1 Chris Jackins 11 0 0 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
2 Chris Nowak 11 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
3 Bernie Koth-Kappus 11 11 2 8 10 0.18 0.73 0.91 0.91 10 20.00
4 Graeme Orr 11 11 8 7 15 0.73 0.64 1.36 2.45 27 29.63
5 Oliver Koth-Kappus 11 11 6 14 20 0.55 1.27 1.82 3.27 36 16.67
6 Patrick Strachan 11 11 13 9 22 1.18 0.82 2.00 3.73 41 31.71
7 Seamus O'Connor 11 11 12 11 23 1.09 1.00 2.09 3.18 35 34.29
8 Justin Gordon 11 11 12 12 24 1.09 1.09 2.18 2.64 29 41.38
9 K.J. O'Connor 11 11 16 9 25 1.45 0.82 2.27 4.45 49 32.65
10 Lee Orr 11 11 16 16 32 1.45 1.45 2.91 3.64 40 40.00

1 Chris Nowak 11 182 129 53 11.73 0.709 0 0 0 0
2 Chris Jackins 11 170 137 33 12.45 0.806 0 0 1 0

For the first time ever, no Kusch was present at a sanctioned Burton hockey affair. Once again, the gang gets full credit for taking it upon themselves to do the stats themselves and send them to me. Leeroy Orr sends the following writeup:

�Well, Kyle, that was one of the most hardcore sessions I've ever played in. 11 grueling games of non-stop action. I could barely get out of the car. I wish I could just send you our sheets, we have them all divided into series, so it gives a better indication of how things went. I will give a brief synopsis of each series, with scores and outcomes, and then give you a total of all the stats at the bottom.

After facing considerable adversity, (losing one goalie 5 minutes before we left, having to bludgeon and threaten Ollie to play at the ungodly hour of 1pm, the combined chronic lateness of Bernie and Justin, and Seamus's truck breaking down 5km outside of Burton) we finally got started about 3pm. We ended up with perfect numbers again, 8 skaters, 2 goalies, and the first series was Team Oldschool (Seamus, Bernie, Lee and Justin w. Chris J in net) vs. Team Young�uns and Ollie (Ollie, Graeme, Pat and KJ w. Nowak in net). Oldschool layed the beatdown winning the series 2-0, defeating them 5-4 and 5-1. Seamus was unstoppable, getting in on every point, ending with 4g 6a. Chris Jackins was also a rock in net, stopping 31 of 36 shots.
Second series was Team ISK (Lee, KJ, Graeme, and Ollie w. Chris J) vs. Team KIS of Seamus, Justin, Bernie, and Pat with Chris Nowak. Team ISK won a hardfought series 2-0, winning 5-4 and 5-3. Graeme showed he could light it up, posting a very impressive 3g, 3a in the series. KJ also scored 4g, 2a. Team KIS was in trouble from the start, but great goaltending from Nowak held his team in, stopping an astonishing 39 shots before being defeated.
Series 3 was the epic series. Team Autobahn of Seamus, KJ, Justin Graeme and Chris Nowak in net vs. Team Nihilist of Lee, Ollie, Bernie, and Pat with Chris Jackins in net. Right off the bat Team Nihilist showed excellent chemistry, pummeling Autobahn 5-1 and 5-4. We then switched goalies, and Team Autobahn came roaring back winning 5-1 and 5-4. In the final game of the best of 5 series, Team Nihilist, with Nowak still in net, won a toughly contested 5-3. Lee, Ollie and Pat really clicked, racking up the points on whoever they faced.
Somehow, someway, we had enough gas for one more series. The Tommyknockers (Seamus, Lee, Pat, Bernie with Nowak) vs. the Sobchak Sweethearts (Justin, Graeme, KJ, Ollie w/ Jackins). Justin dominated the series, scoring 5g and 3a, showing why he is now the 2004 scoring leader. Team Sweetheart won 5-2 and 5-4.

That was a great session, lots of fun. It's great getting a full compliment of guys too, we have BOTH people on the bench doing stats, and we still can't do what you do. We try though, and I think it's getting better. I tell these fuckers though, a goal counts as a shot!! Of special note: Chris Jackins played a real solid session, if it hadn't been for the last series, his stats would have been over .800 easy. Graeme continues to improve in leaps and bounds, becoming a very solid defensive player, great at clogging the neutral zone and winning puck battles, but also showing he's got a real scoring touch too. Also one of the best sessions from Bernie in recent memory, some of the most defense I've seen him play, grinding hard down low and making some pretty passes. Chris Nowak had flurries of greatness, but we can't fault him for lapses in concentration when he partied all night, and we didn't even let him eat breakfast before being dragged off to roller hockey. Much props to him for toughing it out, and 129 saves ain't bad.�

Great job on the write-up, Lee! To wrap this section, I must comment on the huge final posted. When you play eleven games with a perfect number of eight skaters, this is what happen: six players broke twenty points! That hasn�t come close to happening before. While no records were threatened, the fact that so many people got high points shows that when the gang gets together and is up for it, some really intense hockey can be played. This just speaks to the high level of play we�re starting to get five seasons into Burton hockey. Lee returned to his 2003 form, leading the way with 16-16-32-40. K.J. also chipped in with 16 goals for 16-9-25-49. Justin 24, Seamus 23, Pat 22, Oliver 20. Graeme broke 15 and Bernie got his first 10-pointer in a long time. Never have eight skaters got 10 points in a session (eleven games kind of helps, of course but it just shows the evenness of play we have). The shot volumes were insane, as Jackins posted 137 save and Nowak 129. Chris J. finished with an excellent .806 to Nowak�s .709. Nowak�s percentage is 32 points better than his first session, so he is definitely coming along.

Useless Stats: Justin finally passes the absent Lorne to move into the 2004 scoring lead. He needs just one more point for 200 on the year. Seamus passes Robert for third in 2004, and Pat reaches the 100-point mark. Justin also moves into first in goals. Oliver has Seamus right on his heels for assists this year with Justin passing Lorne for third. Seamus passes Robert for third in shots and K.J. hits the 300 mark. Lee moves into the season lead in shooting percentage ahead of Jared while K.J. moves into third. Jackins ties Laird for second in saves while Nowak moves into fourth. Bernie becomes the first player to hit 100 games this year. Justin and Oliver pass Laird for third and fourth with Graeme only one game behind Laird. Nowak moves to fourth in games goaltended. Lee�s 32 points was fifth-highest for the year and makes this the most 30-point session posted in a season with five. Lee�s 16 assists was third for the year and fourth all-time. Jackins� 137 saves ranks third for 2004, Nowak�s 129 fifth. Justin passes Rob and Lorne to move into first place in three-star points. On the all-time front, Oliver closes the gap between himself and Lorne for the all-time lead to 792-759. Justin is now within 50 points of Bernie for third, and Lee becomes the fifth player to reach 400 career points. Seamus leapfrogs Joe and Robert into eighth all-time, one behind Stefan and seven behind Joern. Pat becomes the 17th player to reach 100 points and moves from 19th to 15th all-time, tied with Graeme. Bernie needs six goals to tie Joe for fifth all-time. K.J. passes Simon for twelfth in goals. Justin passes Joern for fifth in assists, hitting the 200-mark. Lee becomes the fourth player to hit 1000 shots, and Bernie needs 29 shots to tie Stefan for fifth. Graeme is one game away from his 100th, Jackins is two away and K.J. twelve. Jackins needs 8 saves to reach 1000 and moves into fourth in games goaltended ahead of Lyle. Justin registered his 13th ten-goal session (second all-time) and Lee his 12th (third all-time). Pat garnered his first such session (and his first 20-pointer, obviously). This was the first session to feature six players over 20 points and seven over 15 (the length of play certainly helped). Oliver passes Robert for second in all-time 20-pointers. In Lee�s long Burton career, this was his first 30-pointer. Bernie extends his consecutive session streak to 31, three away from tying his brother�s record. Oliver himself has a seven-session streak. Nowak has goaltended in both 11-game sessions ever played. This was Jackins� first 100-save session (Nowak has two). Jackins becomes the sixth goalie to record a 130-save session. Justin passes Oliver to move into second all-time in three-star points with Lee five points behind Ollie. Only major change on the SDF sees Lee jump from 26th to 6th upon reaching the required number of games. The GDF sees a big change as Chris Jackins� .806 is good enough to move him atop the GDF for the first time ever. Laird falls from first to third behind Nathan. Nowak rejoins fifth.

Burton Cup: With Lorne gone to Vancouver, the Lords have only Chris Jackins in net to obtain their points. As a result, the O�Connor brothers have led Republic of Ireland to the top of the standings; however Justin is single-handedly keeping Government Hill in the chase. It is quite close, 221-210. Easton Aluminum are catching Falcons for fourth, and the return of Lee Orr off the injured list has put Ukrainian Team Bourque back into contention. Justin overtakes Lorne in the individual classification, and Lee shoots up to ninth. Hope is not lost for Lorne, though; if a Vancouver conference starts up featuring himself, Bernie, Klopp, Jerod Warren, Isaac Saban and a few others, then we could truly have a new era in Burton hockey and Lorne and Justin can do statistical battle from opposite sides of the province. Now that we are entering an NHL lockout, why not make our own fun?

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Session Info

September 12, 2004

Burton United Socialist Hockey (BUSH)

John McCormack Memorial Park



Three Stars

First Star

Second Star

Third Star