The always-game-for-anything (as long as you bribe him with beer) Joe debuted in net in 2009, achieving infamy by becoming the first player to play an entire session in net without a mask, which reflects his never-say-die attitude. After a shaky first session, Joe has come back to show that he can be a true force in the McCormack nets. His body covered in welts, Joe stopped an amazing 241 shots at the August 2009 SuperSession. Joe has an incredibly high tolerance for pain, as shown during the 2010 spring Burton Open, in which he broke his thumb yet stayed in the game to score the championship-winning goal. Awards: Burton Championship Weekend All-Star: 2010 Spring
2009 45 10 19 28 47 1.90 1.10 3.00 7.30 73 26.03
2010 63 24 28 48 76 1.17 1.08 2.25 4.96 119 23.53
2011 10 0 0 6 6 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
Totals 118 34 47 82 129 1.38 1.09 2.47 5.65 192 24.48
2009 35 663 527 136 15.06 0.795 1 0 17 0
2010 39 652 522 130 13.38 0.801 1 0 22 1
2011 10 169 133 36 13.30 0.787 0 0 6 0
Totals 84 1484 1182 302 14.07 0.796 2 0 45 1
Year Total 1st (15) 2nd (10) 3rd (5)
2010 15 0 10 5
Totals 15 0 10 5

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2011 Burton SuperSession Day Two 003 Burton United Socialist Hockey 045 Burton United Socialist Hockey 042 Burton United Socialist Hockey 039 Burton United Socialist Hockey 037 Burton United Socialist Hockey 030 Burton United Socialist Hockey 029 Burton United Socialist Hockey 024 Burton United Socialist Hockey 021 Burton United Socialist Hockey 020 Burton United Socialist Hockey 016 Burton United Socialist Hockey 013 Burton United Socialist Hockey 010 Burton United Socialist Hockey 004 John McCormack Memorial Park 048 John McCormack Memorial Park 044 John McCormack Memorial Park 033 John McCormack Memorial Park 028 John McCormack Memorial Park 026 John McCormack Memorial Park 024 John McCormack Memorial Park 023 John McCormack Memorial Park 019 John McCormack Memorial Park 014 John McCormack Memorial Park 013 John McCormack Memorial Park 011 John McCormack Memorial Park 008 John McCormack Memorial Park 006 John McCormack Memorial Park 004 John McCormack Memorial Park 003 BUSH 030 BUSH 029 BUSH 028 BUSH 027 BUSH 022 BUSH 021 BUSH 019 BUSH 017 BUSH 012 BUSH 004 Burton Hockey 040 Burton Hockey 036 Burton Hockey 035 Burton Hockey 013 Burton Hockey 009 Burton Hockey 008 Burton Hockey 006 101_1533-800 _MG_6096 _MG_6095 _MG_6080 _MG_6062 Day Two 132 Day Two 129 Day Two 114 Day Two 062 Day Two 060 Day Two 058 Day Two 052 Day Two 051 Day Two 045 Day Two 044 Day Two 040 Day Two 038 Day Two 036 Day Two 002 Fresh Paint 143 Fresh Paint 142 Fresh Paint 140 Fresh Paint 137 Fresh Paint 133 Fresh Paint 111 Fresh Paint 108 Fresh Paint 107 Fresh Paint 099 Fresh Paint 087 Fresh Paint 085 Fresh Paint 084 Fresh Paint 080 Fresh Paint 074 Fresh Paint 071 Fresh Paint 070 Fresh Paint 069 Fresh Paint 066 Fresh Paint 064 Fresh Paint 057 Fresh Paint 054 Fresh Paint 045 Fresh Paint 042 Fresh Paint 038 Fresh Paint 033 Fresh Paint 028 Fresh Paint 018 Fresh Paint 016 Fresh Paint 010 Fresh Paint 009 Fresh Paint 008 Fresh Paint 007 Burton Hockey 156 Burton Hockey 155 Burton Hockey 150 Burton Hockey 149 Burton Hockey 148 Burton Hockey 147 Burton Hockey 146 Burton Hockey 143 Burton Hockey 140 Burton Hockey 134 Burton Hockey 130 Burton Hockey 127 Burton Hockey 126 Burton Hockey 120 Burton Hockey 119 Burton Hockey 117 Burton Hockey 116 Burton Hockey 113 Burton Hockey 112 Burton Hockey 105 Burton Hockey 103 Burton Hockey 102 Burton Hockey 101 Burton Hockey 099 Burton Hockey 098 Burton Hockey 094 Burton Hockey 092 Burton Hockey 090 Burton Hockey 088 Burton Hockey 086 Burton Hockey 084 Burton Hockey 083 Burton Hockey 082 Burton Hockey 080 Burton Hockey 079 Burton Hockey 074 Burton Hockey 073 Burton Hockey 070 Burton Hockey 068 Burton Hockey 066 Burton Hockey 054 Burton Hockey 052 Burton Hockey 051 Burton Hockey 050 Burton Hockey 048 Burton Hockey 047 Burton Hockey 046 Burton Hockey 043 Burton Hockey 042 Burton Hockey 040 Burton Hockey 036 Burton Hockey 034 Burton Hockey 033 Burton Hockey 029 Burton Hockey 028 Burton Hockey 026 Burton Hockey 020 Burton Hockey 013 Burton Hockey 007 Burton 115 Burton 107 Burton 106 Burton 093 Burton 092 Burton 091 Burton 089 Burton 088 Burton 081 Burton 080 Burton 079 Burton 078 Burton 072 Burton 070 Burton 065 Burton 062 Burton 059 Burton 058 Burton 056 Burton 055 Burton 049 Burton 037 Burton 035 Burton 032 Burton 028 Burton 023 Burton 022 Burton 021 Burton 019 Burton 018 Burton 017 Burton 012 Burton 009 Burton 008 Burton 007 Burton 006 Burton 005 Burton 004 Burton 003 Burton 002 BUSH with Jesse 071 BUSH with Jesse 070 BUSH with Jesse 062 BUSH with Jesse 054 BUSH with Jesse 049 BUSH with Jesse 048 BUSH with Jesse 047 BUSH with Jesse 043 BUSH with Jesse 038 BUSH with Jesse 037 BUSH with Jesse 029 BUSH with Jesse 027 BUSH with Jesse 026 BUSH with Jesse 022 BUSH with Jesse 020 BUSH with Jesse 002 BUSH 007 BUSH 006 BUSH 004 BUSH 003 BUSH 002

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Golden Joe

Nakusp, BC

Didsbury, AB

Nakusp, BC

