1 Lee Orr 9 9 14 11 25 1.56 1.22 2.78 7.67 69 20.29
2 Seamus O'Connor 9 9 5 17 22 0.56 1.89 2.44 4.78 43 11.63
3 Andrew Cruden 9 9 13 7 20 1.44 0.78 2.22 5.67 51 25.49
4 Laird Bilinski 9 9 8 9 17 0.89 1.00 1.89 5.56 50 16.00
5 Graeme Orr 9 9 9 6 15 1.00 0.67 1.67 3.22 29 31.03
6 Oliver Koth-Kappus 9 9 7 5 12 0.78 0.56 1.33 2.89 26 26.92
7 Andrew Watson 6 6 4 3 7 0.67 0.50 1.17 2.17 13 30.77
8 Mitchell Detta 9 9 4 5 9 0.44 0.56 1.00 4.11 37 10.81
9 Ryan MacDonald (1978) 9 9 2 2 4 0.22 0.22 0.44 2.11 19 10.53
10 Alan Cameron 1 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
11 Nathan Robson 8 0 0 2 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
12 Chris Jackins 9 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

1 Alan Cameron 1 13 8 5 8.00 0.615 0 0 0 0
2 Chris Jackins 9 185 156 29 17.33 0.843 0 0 0 0
3 Nathan Robson 8 149 122 27 15.25 0.819 0 0 2 0

A few interesting statistical notes for you, Kyle. Seamus had 17 assists in 6 games. Then Ollie told him how close he was to the record and he didn't get another one. Chris had a stretch where he was completely unbeatable. 50 saves in 2 games. Mitch was skating away from Laird after calling him Lard, caught his skate on the net webbing and went head first into the boards. After a few minutes he was ok. Scraped up his shoulder pretty good. Ryan did about 3 summersaults on his first wipeout. Bloody wrists and elbows. Seamus also had some spectacular ones, he was covered in dirt by the end and (like myself) frustrated by our performances in the last few games. I had some ugly crashes too actually, including one where Laird tripped me and I landed right in front of Andrew's slapshot. fuck. Anyway, enjoy. I think you'll like the goalie stats.
5 hour, 12 player marathon session that saw sunshine and rain, new blood in the rink and a little blood spilled on the rink. Plenty of wipeouts and crashes, lots of hot and cold performances. A long session, played until we had nothing left. And a couple rookie debuts. Here�s the breakdown.

Series 1:
Lee - Seamus - Watsy - Graeme - Mitch vs. Cruden - Ryan - Laird - Oli - Alan - (Nathan, games 2 and 3)
Game 1: 5-2 Lee's Team
Game 2: 5-3 Cruden's Team (Nathan replaces Alan)
Game 3: 5-2 Cruden's Team
Series 2: Lee - Seamus - Cruden - Graeme - Nathan vs. Ryan - Oli - Laird - Watsy Mitch
Game 1: 5-1 Lee's Team
Game 2: 5-3 Lee's Team
Series 3:
Lee - Seamus - Ryan - Mitch - Nathan vs. Cruden - Oli - Graeme - Laird - Chris
Game 1: 5-2 Cruden's Team
Game 2: 5-1 Cruden's Team
Series 4:
Lee - Oli - Mitch - Ryan - Chris vs. Graeme - Laird - Seamus - Watsy - Cruden - Nathan
Game 1: 5-1 Graeme's Team
Game 2: 5-4 Graeme's Team
Series 5: Lee - Oli - Cruden - Mitch - Nathan vs. Graeme - Laird - Seamus - Ryan - Chris
Game 1: 5-1 Lee's Team

Thanks, Lee! Even with Seam�s massive assist count, it was not enough to take first star away from Lee with 14G, 11A and 69 shots. Seamus� shot count was down quite a bit at �only� 43. Crude stepped up big time from his previous sessions, breaking the 20 point barrier for the first time. This session was played 4-on-4 rather than the standard 3-on-3, so per-game stats are off slightly. Chris was mammoth in net with 156 saves and .843. Nathan was also excellent at .818. Ollie had more goals than assists; mark that one on your calendars, folks.

Useless Stats: A slump at the end of the session save Stefan�s season scoring lead as he leads Lee by one point, 117-116 (Lee has one game in hand). Seamus is right in the battle at 110. Lee does pass Stefan for the lead in goals, 69-68. Oliver ties Jason for fifth in goals. Seamus moves into second in assists behind Oliver, 55-50, with Lee in fourth. Lee passes 300 shots for the year, second in that category. Oliver passes Lorne for fourth in shots. Chris passes Carlos to move into second in save percentage and passes Nathan for first in saves. Lee takes the lead in three-star points with Seamus in third. Oliver hands the lead in APG back to Jason with Seamus moving into third. It was a good run, but Seamus drops below ten shots per game for the year. Chris is microscopically behind Nathan for the lead in saves-per-game. Lee�s 25 points ties for fourth-most in a session this year. Seamus� 17 assists is tops this year. Lee�s 69 shots rank third so far this year. Chris� .843 ties for fourth-best goaltending performance so far in 2006, and his 156 saves are easily tops for the year. Nathan�s 122 saves rank third-highest. Jason continues to lead the SDF but may not for long as points will become to come off next week. Lee moves back into second ahead of Stefan, Seamus and Lorne and Laird rockets up to sixth and Andrew cracks the top ten. Nathan leads the GDF for a fifth session, but Chris is catching him quickly.
On the all-time front, Oliver is twenty points ahead of Lorne for the all-time lead, 973-953. Lee needs 18 points for 700. Seamus passes Bernie for fourth in points. Graeme is 13 points behind Simon for 13th all-time. Lee is ten goals behind Oliver for second all-time. Lee and Seamus pass 300 assists; lee is seven ahead of Seamus for fourth all-time. Oliver needs 35 shots for 2,000. Graeme needs four shots for 500. Chris passes 2,500 saves. Chris becomes the tenth player to play 200 games. He is fifteen games behind Laird for most games goaltended. Seamus ties Oliver for third in three-star points. Seamus� 17 assists is tied for the second-most ever in a session. Chris� 156 session saves rate fifth-highest all-time. Andrew records his first ten-goal and twenty-point session. Seamus ties Lorne for third in ten-assist sessions with nine. Lee passes Ollie for second in 15-pointers with 26. Seamus has five consecutive 15-point sessions. Seamus has 14 20-pointers while Lee has 13. Lee passes Seamus for third in 25-pointers. Chris now has 18 80-save sessions, one behind Laird, while Nathan is right behind with 17; Chris has 15 straight. Nathan has 15 90-savers while Chris is tied with Laird at 11. Nathan passes laird for first in 120-save sessions. Chris ties Nathan for first in 130-save sessions. Seamus has played in 12 consecutive sessions (ninth-longest streak of all-time) while Lee has played seven and Chris, Oliver and Nathan have played six. Your humble statistician will be back in Burton next week to personally dish out the goodness. Keep an eye on the Records and Honours page, and let's see VRH set some playing time in!

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Session Info

June 03, 2006

Burton United Socialist Hockey (BUSH)

John McCormack Memorial Park



Three Stars

First Star

Second Star

Third Star