1 Pat Elischer 9 9 19 19 38 2.11 2.11 4.22 8.44 76 25.00
2 Oliver Koth-Kappus 9 9 8 14 22 0.89 1.56 2.44 2.89 26 30.77
3 Tony Hajdu 7 7 12 7 19 1.71 1.00 2.71 6.43 45 26.67
4 Stefan Klopp 7 7 10 6 16 1.43 0.86 2.29 3.86 27 37.04
5 Rob Hajdu 9 9 5 9 14 0.56 1.00 1.56 3.89 35 14.29
6 Sam Lam 9 9 8 4 12 0.89 0.44 1.33 5.33 48 16.67
7 Bernie Koth-Kappus 9 9 3 8 11 0.33 0.89 1.22 2.56 23 13.04
8 Thomas Slivinski 6 6 4 7 11 0.67 1.17 1.83 4.83 29 13.79
9 Jordan Barlow 7 7 5 5 10 0.71 0.71 1.43 2.14 15 33.33
10 Marcus Keighron 7 7 4 4 8 0.57 0.57 1.14 2.43 17 23.53
11 Gavin Gentles 7 7 5 3 8 0.71 0.43 1.14 2.43 17 29.41
12 Ian Bock 6 6 2 5 7 0.33 0.83 1.17 2.17 13 15.38
13 Jordan Downey 7 2 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.50 1 0.00
14 Dominik Voser 10 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00
15 Alex Elischer 9 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0.00

1 Alex Elischer 9 136 107 29 11.89 0.787 1 0 0 0
2 Dominik Voser 10 189 146 43 14.60 0.772 0 0 0 0
3 Jordan Downey 5 47 34 13 6.80 0.723 1 0 0 0

After weeks of incessant rain and 3 or 4 wet, sloppy sessions in a row, we finally had a few days of uber-glorious sunshine, and advantage of it we did take. Initially, with the Master Bladers having league games both Saturday and Sunday, we figured it would be difficult to get enough people for a session, but boy, were we wrong (it should be noted that Stefan still played despite this). This session may go down as the largest ever at Ambleside. With a couple of 'maybes' showing up, we were already at 12 people near the beginning of the session. Furthermore, after a couple of games 3 other players (that we didn't know) showed up and asked if they could join in, bringing our total to 15. At this point it was necessary to do a tournament with 3 teams. To even up the numbers J. Downey decided to strap on the pads leaving 3 goalies and 3 teams with one sub on each.

The sticks ironically resulted in all the new players (Marcus, Tom & Gavin) being on the same team (with Sam) and also produced a super team of Pat, Stefan, J.Barlow and Rob (appropriately named “Team God”). It was suggested that some trades be made to even up the teams but “Team God” refused, and sure enough they dominated the round robin winning 5-1 and 5-2.

Sticks were thrown again for the next tournament and this time the teams were a little more even with each team going 1 & 1. Also of note, J. Downey recorded his first career shutout in this series. Since these teams were fairly even, we decided to do a second round robin series with the same teams. Ian skipping the series due to a nasty leg wound and a couple of other players having to leave during the series changed the dynamics a little and Team Pat ended up winning the round robin going 2 & 0. One more game was played with the players that were left at that point, rounding out the total for the session to 12.

It should be noted that as per usual the goaltending was absolutely outstanding today with both Dom and Alex making a large amount of ridiculous saves (the stats most likely will not do justice to their performances). Also, due to the large numbers of players everyone's stats will naturally be diluted by a fair margin.

This was one of the more intense up-tempo sessions in a while (some games went upwards of 45 minutes) and this can be attributed in large part to finally having a dry court and ideal conditions once again. Great joy was had by all!

Thanks, Bernie! A huge day for VRH with twelve games and four rookies, and another huge day for Pat Elischer, skating circles around the competition again with 19G-19A-38P-76 shots. No one else was even in the ball park. You have to go down to 22 points to find Oliver in second. Despite missing the final two games, Tony still grabbed star points in third with 19. In goal, Dominik faced a huge 189 shots, stopping 146 of them for .772. It wasn’t quite enough to snatch the goaltending lead for the day, as Alex stopped 107 of 136 to finish at .787 with a six-save shutout to start the day and a zero-for-one performance in Game 3. Of course, Jordan Downey has a shutout of his own; the first one-save shutout in Burton Hockey since the first season of 2000. He finished at .723 on the day. These stats sure were wacky. Thanks to our four new players for contributing to an excellent day.

Here are the game scores:
Stefan Pat Tony Ian Oliver Alex def. Rob Sam Downey Bernie Dom 5-0
Pat Bernie Oliver Tony Ian Alex def. Stefan Barlow Sam Downey Rob Dom 5-2
Pat Stefan Rob Barlow Alex def. Tom Marcus Gavin Sam Dom 5-1
Oliver Bernie Ian Tony Dom def. Tom Marcus Gavin Sam Alex 5-2
Pat Stefan Rob Barlow Downey def. Oliver Bernie Ian Tony Dom 5-2
Sam Ian Gavin Marcus Dom def. Barlow Tony Tom Rob Alex 5-3
Tony Rob Barlow Tom Alex def. Stefan Pat Bernie Oliver Downey 5-4
Stefan Pat Bernie Oliver Downey def. Sam Ian Gavin Marcus Dom 5-0
Gavin Marcus Sam Dom def. Barlow Rob Tony Tom Alex 5-3
Pat Oliver Bernie Stefan Downey def. Barlow Rob Tom Alex 5-3
Pat Oliver Bernie Downey def. Gavin Marcus Sam Dom 5-3
Pat Oliver Bernie Alex def. Gavin Marcus Sam Rob Dom 5-1

Blocked shot stats:
Jordan Barlow 7
Rob Hajdu 6
Tony Hajdu 3
Tom Tomlinson 3
Gavin Gentles 2
Stefan Klopp 2
Bernie Koth-Kappus 1 Note from Bernie: ‘Goal saver, in the belly, IJS.’

Season Stats: Pat flies pat Nathan into sole fourth place, 206-196 behind Seamus. Stefan is now four points behind the injured Nathan for fifth with Oliver now in seventh. Barlow passes Troy for ninth and break the 100-point barrier for the second-straight year. Bernie passes K.J. for eleventh. Stefan needs 13 goals for 100. Oliver passes Troy for seventh in goals and Sam enters the top ten, one away from 50. Oliver passes Justin for fifth in with Pat and Barlow also passing Justin. Pat is 25 shots on goal behind Seamus for third. Stefan passes K.J. for second in shooting percentage; Barlow moves up to fourth. Dom retakes the lead in saves from Seamus and needs 41 for 1,000. Alex is 27 saves behind Shem for third. Bernie moves to fifth in games played with Dom and Oliver right behind him. Alex passes Shem for third in games played and is three behind Seamus for second. Alex now has sole possession of the shutout lead over Dom and Seamus with four this year. Dom is 15 goalie star points behind Seamus for first, and passes Shem for fifth in total star points. Pat passes Troy for fifth in APG. Pat’s 38 points today rank third best in a session this year; his 19 assists rank second.

On the All-Time Front: Oliver needs 29 points for 1,800. Bernie becomes the sixth player to score 1,100 points. Pat passes Mitch Detta and Laird to become the twelfth player to score 500 points. Tony, Sam and rob all reach the 200-point plateau. The battle for third in goals heats up; Oliver is just one ahead of Stefan, 699-698. Pat passes Mitch to become the twelfth player with 300 goals. Rob needs five goals for 100; Barlow five. Stefan ties Lorne for fifth in assists. Pat becomes the 14th player with 200 assists. Rob passes 100 assists and Tony needs one more for the same. Pat becomes the 14th player with 1,000 shots on goal. Barlow passes Pat for third in shooting percentage. Dom passes Lorne to enter the top ten in saves; Alex moves up two to 14th. Dom passes Lorne and Shem to move to ninth in games goaltended; Alex enters the top 15. Alex records his fourth career shutout; Downey his first. Oliver passes Kyle for sixth in total star points. Pat retakes the PPG lead from Robert and passes Ben for fourth in shots-per-game. Stefan is one 15-pointer behind Kyle for fifth with 39. Pat enters the top ten in 15-pointers with 16. Pat has the second-longest 15-pointer streak ever at 16. Stefan has four in a row. Pat ties K.J. and Justin for seventh in 20-pointers with 14, all in a row. Pat becomes the first player in history with back-to-back 35-point sessions. Stefan is one ten-goal session behind Kyle for third all-time. Pat has 14 in a row. Pat ties K.J. for fourth in 15-goal sessions with ten and is one behind Lee for third; Pat has two in a row. Pat becomes the eighth player with ten ten-assisters; he has three in a row. Alex has five 90-savers in a row to start his career. Dom enters the top ten in 90-savers with ten; he is sixth in 100-savers with eight and fifth in 110-savers with seven. Dom ties Bron and Laird for second in 120-savers with 7, and is first all-time in 130-plus-savers with 7, a testament to his reliability. Bernie plays his eighth consecutive session, Stefan his seventh. Pat’s 19 assists today rank sixth all-time for sessions.

SDF/GDF: After a month of inactivity, Pat is back, and returns to his usual spot on top of the SDF with a huge margin over Kyle; the 40th led ranking of his career. Stefan moves up a spot to fourth; Sam falls to seventh from third; Oliver renters the top dozen. Nothing much happens on the GDF as Taylor will easily lead this week.

McCormack Park may be disrupted a bit this week, and so BUSH is possibly considering a first-ever session in Silverton. Until next time, check out the Records and Honours pages in the Links section.

To add, tag a photo in Flickr with this tag: burtonhockey:session=274

_MG_5838 _MG_5834 _MG_5830 _MG_5826 _MG_5815 _MG_5812 _MG_5806 _MG_5803 _MG_5800 _MG_5799 _MG_5798 _MG_5794 _MG_5793 _MG_5792 _MG_5789 _MG_5788 _MG_5786 _MG_5782 _MG_5780 _MG_5779 _MG_5778 _MG_5777 _MG_5776 _MG_5771 _MG_5768 _MG_5767 _MG_5766 _MG_5763 _MG_5762 _MG_5760 _MG_5759 _MG_5757 _MG_5754 _MG_5750 _MG_5748 _MG_5745 _MG_5744 _MG_5743

No videos have been added to this session yet. To add some tag a video in YouTube with this tag: burtonhockey:session=274

Bones wrote on March 25, 2010 @ 04:06:25 PST
need photo recttal fetish.

Ambulance station records keystrokes. Getting fired.

Kyle wrote on March 22, 2010 @ 18:41:29 PST
Yeah, Stef; you've got room for your sick rectal fetishes, yet none for a star of the session? For shame.
tony wrote on March 22, 2010 @ 10:10:44 PST
I guess I'm not photogenic enough for a picture this session.
BK wrote on March 22, 2010 @ 00:53:53 PST
Just make it Jordo's, ahahaha!
Kyle wrote on March 21, 2010 @ 21:10:12 PST
No, I'm not going to make THAT one Rob's new profile pic.
Kyle wrote on March 21, 2010 @ 21:09:19 PST
Well, I'm glad I didn't eat lunch yet.

Good pics, though. Cropped some impromptu profile pics from them for our four new players.
BK wrote on March 21, 2010 @ 20:55:18 PST
Photo bomb!
Stefan wrote on March 21, 2010 @ 20:41:59 PST
Jordan had no idea actually!
BK wrote on March 21, 2010 @ 20:40:38 PST
Was Jordo deliberately posing or caught oblivious?
BK wrote on March 21, 2010 @ 20:39:54 PST
Was #24 really necessary... did we really need to see that.
BK wrote on March 21, 2010 @ 20:34:31 PST
Thank you Donny.
Stefan wrote on March 21, 2010 @ 20:08:04 PST
Pictures are up!

Session Info

March 20, 2010

Vancouver Roller Hockey (VRH)

Ambleside Park



Three Stars

First Star

Second Star

Third Star