Burton 40: Lyle Detta

Kyle wrote on December 14, 2009 @ 09:00:52 PST
If you put Lyle Detta and Nick Sundstrom in a room with two cases of beer and left them alone together, in under two hours a black hole would form and half of North America would be destroyed.
Kyle wrote on December 14, 2009 @ 08:56:35 PST
Who jumps 180 feet off the Kinnaird Bridge into the depths of the Columbia? Who wanders around the Kuskanax forest for 14 hours only to emerge at eight in the morning somehwere in the backwoods of Glenbank? Lyle Detta. I'm pretty sure he's in the background of the Oswald shooting photo and may have put the crack in the Liberty Bell trying to start a bonfire.
Lee wrote on December 14, 2009 @ 08:30:48 PST
playing in 35 degrees at some points this summer, burning ashfault, no shade, sweat pouring down like its raining and Lyle is wearing his wool jacket instead of a chest protector, full goalie gear, and still drinking beer instead of water. piss warm. that my friends, is legendary.

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